- Position the vehicle on a two-post lift (see Vehicle:
Towing and lifting) (02A, Lifting equipment).
- Remove:
- the front wheel (see 35A, Wheels and tyres,
Wheel: Removal - Refitting, page 35A-1) (35A,
Wheels and tyres),
- the front brake hose (see 31A, Front axle components,
Front brake hose: Removal - Refitting,
page 31A-3) .
- the front brake pad (see 31A, Front axle components,
Front brake pads: Removal - Refitting,
page 31A-1) ,
- the front brake calliper (see 31A, Front axle components,
Front brake calliper: Removal - Refitting,
page 31A-5) ,
- the front brake calliper mounting (see 31A, Front
axle components, Front brake calliper mounting:
Removal - Refitting, page 31A-9) ,
- the brake disc (see 31A, Front axle components,
Front brake disc: Removal - Refitting, page 31A-
13) .
In order to prevent irreversible damage to the
front hub bearing:
- Do not loosen or tighten the driveshaft nut when
the wheels are on the ground.
- Do not place the vehicle with its wheels on the
ground when the driveshaft has been loosened
or removed.

- Remove:
- the wheel speed sensor bolt (1) ,
- the wheel speed sensor.

- Remove:
- the driveshaft cotter pin (2) ,
- the nut (3) from the hub using the (Rou. 604-01),
- the track rod ball joint nut (4) ,
- the lower arm ball joint nut (5) ,
- the shock absorber lower nuts (6) .
- Remove the driveshaft from the hub carrier using the
(Tav. 1420-01) and (Tav. 1050-04), if necessary.

- Extract the track rod end using the (Tav. 476) (7) .
- Remove:
- the lower arm ball joint,
- the front driveshaft hub carrier.
- Refit:
- the driveshaft on the hub carrier,
- the lower arm ball joint on the hub carrier,
- the track rod on the hub carrier,
- the shock absorber lower bolts and nuts,
- the lower arm ball joint nut,
- the track rod ball joint nut,
- the hub nut,
- the driveshaft cotter pin,
- the wheel speed sensor,
- the wheel speed sensor bolt.
- Torque tighten:
- the wheel speed sensor bolt (10 N.m),
- the shock absorber lower nuts (142 N.m),
- the lower arm ball joint nut (63 N.m),
- the track rod ball joint nut (34 N.m),
- the hub nut (125 N.m), using the (Rou. 604-01).
- Refit:
- the brake disc (see 31A, Front axle components,
Front brake disc: Removal - Refitting, page 31A-
13) ,
- the front brake calliper mounting (see 31A, Front
axle components, Front brake calliper mounting:
Removal - Refitting, page 31A-9) .
- the front brake calliper (see 31A, Front axle components,
Front brake calliper: Removal - Refitting,
page 31A-5) ,
- the front brake pad (see 31A, Front axle components,
Front brake pads: Removal - Refitting,
page 31A-1) ,
- the front brake hose (see 31A, Front axle components,
Front brake hose: Removal - Refitting,
page 31A-3) .
- the front wheel (see 35A, Wheels and tyres,
Wheel: Removal - Refitting, page 35A-1) (35A,
Wheels and tyres).
- Check the front axle geometry (see 30A, General
information, Front axle system: Adjustment,
page 30A-11) (30A, General information).