Renault Koleos Service Repair Manual: Braking circuit: Bleed

General information

Precautions to be taken before and during the brake circuit bleeding operation:

  • The ignition must be switched off to ensure that the hydraulic unit solenoid valves do not operate.
  • use brake fluid which conforms to the Renault standard (see Vehicle: Parts and consumables for the repair) (04B, Consumables - Products),
  • check the brake fluid levels in the brake circuit and the bleeding device,
  • the braking regulation circuit must be free of all hydraulic and electrical faults,
  • check that the pressure of the bleeding device is between 1.5 bar and 2 bar.

This procedure must be applied after one of the following components has been removed or replaced:

  • the master cylinder,
  • the brake fluid,
  • the hydraulic unit,
  • a rigid pipe,
  • a hose,
  • the reservoir,
  • a calliper.

General information

  • Use locally produced containers to collect the used brake fluid.

    Front and rear callipers:

    • 2 washer fluid containers (1) (1 litre),
    • 4 mm diameter transparent pipes (2) ,
    • 4 pipettes (3) (part no: 00 00 081 501),
    • 2 T-unions (4) .
Note: The new hydraulic unit is pre-filled.

When working on one of the following components, position a pedal press to limit the outflow of brake fluid and prevent any air from entering the master cylinder and the circuits downstream of the master cylinder:

  • hydraulic unit,
  • pipes between the hydraulic unit and brake callipers,
  • brake hoses,
  • brake calliper.

Remove the pedal press before carrying out the braking system bleeding procedure.

  • Position the vehicle on a two-post lift (see Vehicle: Towing and lifting) (02A, Lifting equipment).
  • Switch off the vehicle ignition.
  • Connect the brake circuit bleeding device (after having received Renault approval) to the master cylinder reservoir (see the instructions for the equipment).
  • Pressurise the brake circuit.
  • Adjust the pressure to between 1.5 bar < P < 2 bar for 3 minutes to stabilise it in the braking circuit.
  • Close the circuit between the bleed screw and the brake fluid reservoir without letting the pressure fall.
Note: The circuit between the bleed screw and brake fluid reservoir is closed in different ways depending on the type of equipment used:
  • valve,
  • switch.
  • Fit the bleed containers to the four bleed screws of the callipers.
  • Undo the calliper bleed screws:
    • front left,
    • front right,
    • rear left-hand,
    • rear right.
  • Open the circuit between the bleed screw and brake fluid reservoir and allow the liquid to run until all the air bubbles have been released.
  • Tighten the bleed screws in the following order:
    • front left,
    • front right,
    • rear left-hand,
    • rear right.
  • Undo the calliper bleed screw:
    • front left,
    • allow the fluid to run until all the air bubbles have been released,
    • tighten the bleed screw on the calliper.
  • Carry out the previous operation on the callipers:
    • front right,
    • rear left-hand,
    • rear right.
  • Close the bleed screw to dump the pressure in the brake circuit.
  • Remove the brake circuit bleeding device from the master cylinder reservoir.
  • Check pedal travel and resistance. If it is not correct, finish bleeding the brake circuit with the help of a second operator. Start the bleed operation by bleeding the calliper that is the furthest away from the master cylinder:
    • hold down the brake pedal,
    • open the circuit bleed screw to release the air from the brake circuit,
    • close the circuit bleed screw,
    • release the brake pedal.
  • Top up the brake fluid level in the reservoir, if necessary.

    Check the tightness of the front bleed screws (10 Nm) and the rear bleed screws (10 Nm) and make sure that the sealing caps are fitted.

  • During a road test, trigger braking regulation to confirm that the brake pedal travel is correct.
  • Clean any traces of brake fluid present on the vehicle with BRAKE CLEANER (see Vehicle: Parts and consumables for the repair) (04B, Consumables - Products).
    Brake circuit: Precautions for the repair

    Brake fluid: Specifications

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    Renault Koleos Service Repair Manual

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