I - DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURAL COMPONENT The component is made of two different kinds of panel of different thickness assembled by laser butt welding. II - AREA TO BE CUT FOR PARTIAL REPLACEMENT These cutting lines show the area in which it is possible to carry out a partial replacement of the centre floor side section. Cut 1, 2 and 3:
III - ASSEMBLY METHOD FOR A PARTIAL REPLACEMENT Only the connections which are specific to the partial replacement by cutting are indicated.
If there are other issues regarding access to mating faces, the various replacement options are described in the basic instructions for structural bodywork repair (see MR 400, 40A, General Information). Line (1) on the diagram shows partial replacement and a weld by joggling with plug welds at regular intervals. Lines (1) and (2) on the diagram show the partial rear replacement and a weld by joggling with plug welds at regular intervals. Lines (1) and (3) on the diagram show the partial front replacement and a weld by joggling with plug welds at regular intervals. |
Renault Koleos Service Repair Manual > Rear axle components: Rear wheel hub: Removal -
4X2 TRANSMISSION REMOVAL I - REMOVAL PREPARATION OPERATION Position the vehicle on a two-post lift (see Vehicle: Towing and lifting) (02A, Lifting equipment). Remove: the rear wheels (see 35A, Wheels and tyres, Wheel: Removal - Refitting, page 35A-1) , the rear brake calliper without disconnecting t ...