I - PARTS AND CONSUMABLES FOR THE REPAIR 1 - Parts always to be replaced:
2 - Consumables:
1 - During removal and refitting, the catalytic converter or catalytic pre-converter must not receive any knocks or impacts as this could damage it. 2 - The whole exhaust pipe is made of stainless steel. 3 - After working on the bracket between the catalytic converter or catalytic pre-converter and the rest of the exhaust system, ensure that the connection is perfectly sealed. To do this:
Check the following and deal with if necessary:
Catalytic pre-converter: Removal - Refitting 2TR
Renault Koleos Service Repair Manual > Engine and cylinder block assembly: Oil-coolant heat exchanger:
Removal - Refitting
M9R The oil-water heat exchanger is not sold separately by the Parts Department. To replace it, it is necessary to replace the oil filter unit. 2TR IMPORTANTWear heat protective gloves during the operation. Note: Be careful not to burn yourself; the engine oil and coolant can be very hot. REM ...