Renault Koleos Service Repair Manual: Exhaust: Precautions for the repair

Renault Koleos Service Repair Manual / Engine and peripherals / Exhaust / Exhaust: Precautions for the repair


1 - Parts always to be replaced:

  • the seal or sealing ring on the connection between the catalytic converter or catalytic pre-converter and the rest of the exhaust system

2 - Consumables:

  • surface cleaner
  • abrasive pads


IMPORTANT Do not park and run the engine in a place where combustible substances and materials such as grass or leaves can come into contact with the hot exhaust system.


IMPORTANT Catalytic converters contain ceramic fibres; these are contained within a closed unit, and cannot disperse.

Cutting or drilling catalytic converters is prohibited.

1 - During removal and refitting, the catalytic converter or catalytic pre-converter must not receive any knocks or impacts as this could damage it.

2 - The whole exhaust pipe is made of stainless steel.

3 - After working on the bracket between the catalytic converter or catalytic pre-converter and the rest of the exhaust system, ensure that the connection is perfectly sealed.

To do this:

  • clean the pressure faces of the connection using the ABRASIVE PADS,
  • degrease the pressure faces of the connection using SURFACE CLEANER and clean cloths,
  • always replace the seal or sealing ring on the connection.

Check the following and deal with if necessary:

  • no underbody contact between the exhaust system and the heat shields,
  • all of the heat shields are present and secure.

Catalytic pre-converter: Removal - Refitting



Note: The catalytic pre-converter (1) is integrated into the exhaust manifold.
  • For removal or replacement of the catalytic pre-converter.

    Catalytic converter: Removal - Refitting

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    Renault Koleos Service Repair Manual

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